771 research outputs found

    Highly variable Vitis microsatellite loci for the identification of Pinot Noir clones

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    Nineteen new microsatellite loci of Vitis were elaborated by following the procedure of tagging an SSR-enriched library. Primers for these VRG markers were used for genotyping grapevines. Only the markers VRG 1, VRG 2, VRG 4, VRG 7, VRG 9, VRG 10, VRG 15 and VRG 16 show heterozygous alleles and Mendelian segregation. Other VRG loci such as VRG 5, VRG 6, VRG 11, VRG 12 VRG 13 and VRG 17 produce a multiallelic profile and some of them show distorted segregation. Variability of the VRG loci is rather high as compared to other grapevine SSR markers. Stable VRG markers such as VRG 16 can be useful for the identification of cultivars. Highly variable VRG microsatellites could be successfully applied to trace polymorphism within the variety Pinot Noir. Clones of Pinot Noir could be differentiated using these markers. By applying the PhyQuest program, a dendrogramm showing the genetic divergence within Pinot Noir clones was constructed.This project was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Vienna. J. L. SANTIAGO is funded by a grant from Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain).Peer reviewe

    Efficiency improvement of HF communications using cognitive radio principles

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    Cognitive Radio principles can be applied to HF communications to make a more efficient use of the extremely scarce spectrum. In this contribution we focus on analyzing the usage of the available channels done by the legacy users, which are regarded as primary users since they are allowed to transmit without resorting any smart procedure, and consider the possibilities for our stations -over the HFDVL (HF Data+Voice Link) architecture- to participate as secondary users. Our goal is to enhance an efficient use of the HF band by detecting the presence of uncoordinated primary users and avoiding collisions with them while transmitting in different HF channels using our broad-band HF transceiver. A model of the primary user activity dynamics in the HF band is developed in this work. It is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM) which are a powerful tool for modelling stochastic random processes, and is trained with real measurements from the 14 MHz band

    Evaluation is not a second phase in the pedagogical design of a sMOOC. A case study

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    El MOOC analizado forma parte del Proyecto Europeo ECO (UE-14-ECO-621127) financiado por la Comunidad europea dentro del programa Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), coordinado por la UNED en el que han participado más de 20 universidades y empresas europeas en la creación de cursos MOOC y en la formación de “e-teachers” capaces de diseñarlos en el futuro.La evaluación en los Cursos Online Masivos Abiertos (COMA -en inglés MOOC-) es en la actualidad un elemento central de debate y por ello uno de los aspectos de mayor preocupación a la hora de proponer el diseño pedagógico de este tipo de cursos. El objetivo del artículo es doble: describir el sistema de evaluación del curso MOOC “Alfabetización Digital para colectivos en riesgo de exclusión social: Estrategias para la Intervención Socioeducativa” del Proyecto europeo ECO1 (implementado durante tres ediciones) y diagnosticar sus fortalezas y debilidades. Hemos diseñado el modelo evaluativo como una parte central y dinámica del curso, que nos permitiera conocer el perfil de nuestros participantes virtuales (evaluación inicial), tutorizar su trabajo y valorar sus resultados (evaluación de los aprendizajes) y, por último, obtener la máxima información posible de cara a aprender de este tipo de procesos formativos y tomar decisiones de mejora en cada nueva edición (evaluación orientada a la mejora). Después de describir el modelo de evaluación, presentamos y analizamos los principales datos obtenidos con las herramientas de recogida de información utilizadas (cuestionario inicial, interacciones en grupos de Facebook y otros espacios sociales, cuestionarios autoevaluativos, evaluación por pares, informantes clave y datos de la plataforma). Para finalizar, se discuten los resultados con la intención de aportar reflexiones de nuestra experiencia que puedan servir de guía a la hora de diseñar modelos de evaluación en MOOC. Nuestra tesis principal es que el modelo evaluativo es un elemento central del diseño que debe perfilarse desde el minuto uno e integrarse plenamente con el resto de los elementos del diseño pedagógico, contemplando estrategias para la evaluación inicial y formativa de los participantes y del propio proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y no solo relativas a la evaluación final orientada a la certificación.Evaluation in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) is currently a central element of debate and one of the aspects of greatest concern when planning the pedagogical design of this kind or courses. The purpose of the article is twofold. On the one hand, to describe the evaluation system implemented during three editions in the MOOC "Digital Literacy for groups at risk of social exclusion: Strategies for Socio-educational Intervention." (European Project ECO). On the other hand, we analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the assessment system described. We have designed the evaluative model as a central and dynamic part of pedagogical design, allowing us to know our virtual participants (initial evaluation), to tutor their work and to evaluate their results (assesment of learning processes) and, finally, to obtain information in order to take decisions for improvement in each new edition (evaluation oriented to improvement). First of all, we describe the evaluation model. Then we analyze the main data collected with the tools used (initial questionnaire, interactions in Facebook groups and other social spaces, self-evaluation questionnaires, peer to peer evaluation, key informants and platform data). Finally, we discuss the results obtained in order to provide reflections that can guide the design of evaluation processes in MOOC. The main thesis we defend is that the planning of the evaluative model is a central element that must be outlined from minute one and be fully integrated with the rest of elements of the pedagogical design. Evaluative model should contemplate strategies for the initial and formative assessment of the participants and of the teaching-learning process itself, and not only be based on the final assessment oriented towards certification

    Evaluación de la sensibilidad en distintas viníferas blancas: mildiu, oídio y botrytis

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    6 páginas, 6 figuras.--Trabajo publicado en revista de divulgación científica.Peer reviewe

    Una variedad blanca (Vitis vinifera L.) de alto interés comercial, y en vías de extinción. Sinonimias y homonimias

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    Comunicación presentada al X Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas, celebrado en Pontevedra en mayo de 2003.Peer reviewe

    Variability of the stomata among 'Albariño' (Vitis vinifera L.) clones and its relationship with susceptibility to downy mildew

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    In grapevines the stomata are located on the abaxial epidermis of the leaves, arranged in no specific order. As in other plants, they regulate the communication between the internal tissues and the external atmosphere, playing a critical role in both photosynthesis and transpiration processes. Moreover, stomata are the main entrance for pathogens such as Plasmopara viticola (Berk & Curt.)Berl. & de Toni, the causal agent of downy mildew, one of the most widespread fungal diseases of grapevines. Due to this and the fact that downy mildew causes large losses in yield and quality of grapes, there is a great interest to determine the causes of the different degree of susceptibility to this pathogen. Some authors have searched for anatomical features that might be related to the penetration and development of P. viticola in the mesophyll of grapevine leaves, such as the density of leaf hairs (KORTEKAMP and ZYPRIAN, 1999) or the ultrastructure of stomata (JÜRGES et al. 2009). Other authors have examined the differences concerning the number of stomata in different grapevine cultivars (DÜRING 1980, PALLIOTTI et al. 2000, BEN SALEM-FNAYOU et al. 2005), but none had evaluated the differences for this aspect between clones of the same cultivar. Recently some authors have found a strong correlation between the number and size of stomata and the susceptibility to downy mildew (LU et al. 2010). The aim of this work is to determine whether different clones of 'Albariño' differ in terms of their number and size of stomata and its possible relation with the different susceptibility to P. viticola of these same clones.Financial support from the Xunta de Galicia Research Projects (07MRU024403PR).Peer reviewe

    Continuous‑wavelet‑transform analysis of the multifocal ERG waveform in glaucoma diagnosis

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    The vast majority of multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) signal analyses to detect glaucoma study the signals’ amplitudes and latencies. The purpose of this paper is to investigate application of wavelet analysis of mfERG signals in diagnosis of glaucoma. This analysis method applies the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to the signals, using the real Morlet wavelet. CWT coefficients resulting from the scale of maximum correlation are used as inputs to a neural network, which acts as a classifier. mfERG recordings are taken from the eyes of 47 subjects diagnosed with chronic open-angle glaucoma and from those of 24 healthy subjects. The high sensitivity in the classification (0.894) provides reliable detection of glaucomatous sectors, while the specificity achieved (0.844) reflects accurate detection of healthy sectors. The results obtained in this paper improve on the previous findings reported by the authors using the same visual stimuli and database.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Improved measurement of intersession latency in mfVEPs

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    Purpose: The purpose of the study is to present a method (Selfcorr) by which to measure intersession latency differences between multifocal VEP (mfVEP) signals. Methods: The authors compared the intersession latency difference obtained using a correlation method (Selfcorr) against that obtained using a Template method. While the Template method cross-correlates the subject’s signals with a reference database, the Selfcorr method cross-correlates traces across subsequent recordings taken from the same subject. Results: The variation in latency between intersession signals was 0.8 ± 13.6 and 0.5 ± 5.0 ms for the Template and Selfcorr methods, respectively, with a coefficient of variability C V_TEMPLATE = 15.83 and C V_SELFCORR = 5.68 (n = 18, p = 0.0002, Wilcoxon). The number of analyzable sectors with the Template and Selfcorr methods was 36.7 ± 8.5 and 45.3 ± 8.7, respectively (p = 0.0001, paired t test, two tailed). Conclusions: The Selfcorr method produces smaller intersession mfVEP delays and variability over time than the Template method.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació


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    En este trabajo se presenta la implementación de una máquina CNC (Control Numérico Computarizado, por sus siglas en español) de bajo costo que utiliza un algoritmo de autonivelación para mejorar el desempeño del maquinado. Mediante el algoritmo se puede corregir por software el desnivel de la cama de fresado independientemente de las imperfecciones del material que se va a maquinar. Básicamente lo que hace el software es deformar el dibujo que se imprimirá de tal manera que este compense la deformación del material. Se utiliza una tarjeta de desarrollo “Arduino UNO” para capturar los datos de una sonda de contacto, posteriormente la información obtenida será procesada por una computadora, que a su vez enviará los datos procesados al Arduino para que este accione los motores. Se utilizó NetBeans para el desarrollo de la plataforma del usuario y el firmware GRBL (para Arduino) como lenguaje de programación, ambos de código libre, además el software Matlab es utilizado para realizar las simulaciones del código. Los resultados muestran que el uso del algoritmo de autonivelación efectivamente mejora el proceso de maquinado.This paper presents the implementation of a CNC machine (Computerized Numerical Control, for its acronym in Spanish) of low cost that uses a self-leveling algorithm to improve the machining performance. By means of the algorithm, the unevenness of the milling bed can be corrected, by software, independently of the imperfections of the material to be machined. Basically, what the software does is to deform the drawing that will be printed in such a way that it compensates for the deformation of the material. An "Arduino UNO" board is used to capture the data from a contact probe, then the information obtained will be processed by a computer, which in turn will send the processed data to the Arduino, so that it drives the motors. NetBeans was used for the development of the user platform and the GRBL firmware (for Arduino) as programming language, both of them are free code, in addition the Matlab software is used to perform the code simulations. The results show that the use of the self-leveling algorithm improves the machining process